Saturday, April 9, 2011


I have been teaching for five years, one year in Kindergarten and four in 1st grade. My undergraduate degree is in Early Childhood Education and my masters is in Reading Education. I love working with primary students and my passion is teaching reading. Eventually I want to become a literacy coach. Currently I'm teaching first grade and my blog is just a glimpse into my ramblings about teaching espcially reading and reading professional books. I have been following blogs since February 2011 and was inspired to create mine because of all the wonderful bloggers out there. I love all things Florida- beach, warm weather, water sports, and boating!I teach in a wonderful, support atmosphere and couldn't ask for better first graders. I live with my handsome, caring, and wonderful fiancĂ© that I will marry next summer! If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me. Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. HEllo Jess, I am a student getting my masters in ESE. I am doing a manual of strategies for K-2 students and I loved the even odd houses idea. I would like to put it on my manual but I need to reference it. I haven't been able to find extra info on you (I know you want it private). I haven't been able to find your email either.... if you could just give me your email and so that you can give me a little more info....
    I go to FAU by the way.. (Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton -West Palm Beach area)

  2. My e-mail is in the contact section of my blog but it is just email me and I'll give you more information. Thanks!
