Monday, April 11, 2011

Math Monday Blog Hop

 love2learn2day is hosting a linky party "Math Monday Blog Hop" that's all about math! Even though my passion is teaching reading, I have learned to love to teach math as well.
Here a is glimpse at how I teach math in my room:

I start with calendar activities and a problem of the day. The problem of the day is always review from yesterday's lesson.

Then we start our lesson on the Promethean Board. We discuss our previous knowledge about the topic, I teach a mini lesson on the topic, and then we watch a cool video courtesy of Envision math. The video takes the children step by step through a problem and asks questions throughout to check for understanding.

After the lesson I have my students start math centers. The math centers are the following:
teacher: I review from the lesson, check their independent work, and they take a mini quiz
computers: They play Envision math games or FASTT math.
workbook: They do independent work in their workbooks that is checked by the end of centers. They may check their work with a friend or ask a friend if they need help.

games: I have a drawers full of math games but to keep them focused I pull out one drawer that is full of the current topic example: We are working on two digit subtraction so I pull out the subtraction drawer and place on the math table so they can only pick games out of that drawer.

That's all for Math Monday today please check back next week!


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