Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

Today was a terrific Tuesday because my shoe didn't break like yesterday, it did not rain, and I got tons of FREE books! Nothing really makes me happier than free books. My librarian was giving away books and I snagged 8 awesome books including a Junie B. Jones and an A-Z Mystery. My students are eating those books up right now so it was great! The students were so excited to see some of their favorite authors like Eric Carle in the bunch and pumped to read new books. (You can get 1st graders excited about anything!)
Then to my surprise tonight during class my professor announced she was moving and giving away tons of her books. I grabbed so many great books for my kids to read and I know they will be super psyched to see their new choices for reading tomorrow! What makes your day terrific?

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