Friday, May 27, 2011

New Position!!!!

I am so excited to announce that I have a teaching position for the fall. I'm going to a wonderful school with high parent involvement, I will have a classroom of my own (I did not pick the co-teaching position), and I can work at the school anytime I want during the summer. Needless to say I'm so excited!!! For those of you that have been following, thank you for the support and comments. I feel so blessed to be going to a great school with awesome teachers, a wonderful principal, and a happy staff. Now I'm off to celebrate a wonderful Memorial Day weekend at the beach! :)


  1. Congrats! I've been certified for 2 years and still looking for my first teaching job. It's very frustrating, but great to see others able to find jobs.


  2. How exciting for you! Congratulations! I'm your newest follower! I am SOOOOO jealous that you can work on your classroom during the summer. We aren't allowed to be at school until the second week in August. It kills me! I just want my whole room set up!!!!!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  3. Thanks so much ladies! Yes, it is sooo wonderful that I get to work in my class over the summer. This is the first school out of three that I get to work in over the summer. I'm so excited to get in there and start setting up and organizing because I feel like I actually have the time over summer. Thanks for following!
