Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Looking for a great summer read?

Here is a list of professional books I have read that I find useful, interesting, and easy to read!

Spaces & Places by  Debbie Diller 
If you are looking to clean out your classroom, moving into a new classroom, or just want to spruce up your current classroom this is the book for you!

Boy Writers by Ralph Fletcher 
Do you have trouble motivating your boys to write? If so read Boy Writers to get your boy students interested in creative writing.

Daily 5 by  Gail Boushey & Joan Moser "The Sisters"
I like to read this book right before school starts again to refresh myself on the beginning of Daily 5 and modeling the mini-lessons. If you are not familiar with the Daily 5...check it out! It is the easiest way to get students to do independent work while you are pulling focus strategy groups, one-on-one conferences, or book clubs.

The CAFE Book by "The Sisters"
This book goes hand in hand with the Daily 5 and is a great resources to any teacher. It will help you organize and focus on your students to give them individual reading instruction. If you want to differentiate your reading instruction this is the way!

Entertaining and Elephant by William McBride
If you need to be inspired and feel burnt out from teaching, read this heartwarming story that will make you realize why you chose this profession in the first place.

Mentor Texts Teaching Writing Through Children's Literature K-6
 by Lynne R. Dorfman & Rose Cappelli
This is a powerful book on how to teach writing using your favorite literature. If you are looking to boost your writing workshop this books will give you examples and help you reflect on your current teacher methods.

Background Knowledge the missing piece of the comprehension puzzle
by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey
This is a helpful book for any grade level teacher but especially ESOL teachers. We all know background knowledge is important but if you want to know how to activate prior knowledge in all content areas this is for you.

Good-bye Round Robin by Michael F. Opitz & Timothy V. Rasinski 
This book has 25 effective oral reading strategies that help struggling  and young readers in comprehension, fluency, and metacognition.

Conscious Discipline by Dr. Becky A. Bailey
I love reading bits of this book every summer for classroom management. Using brain smart research Dr. Bailey will help you understand effective classroom management, how to speak with children when you want to pull your hair out, and your classroom into a positive environment. This really is a must read if you have not read it!

Happy Reading!
If you have any questions about the books leave me a comment! I've read each and every one--some of them multiple times.


  1. Thank you for this list of summer reads. You mention many of my favorite books - like Daily 5 and CAFE. I've started creating videos modeling partner reading to use with my students next year. Here is one of my videos: http://luria-learning.blogspot.com/2011/06/video-of-partner-reading.html

    I also love the book Everyday Editing. It has all sorts of mentor sentences for writers workshop!


  2. I will have to check out that book! Thanks for the suggestion. I love that you have videos on your website...very intuitive and visual. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for the suggestions! I pinned several.
    First Grade Found Me
