Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Open House What I Loving Wednesday Edition

What I'm loving this Wednesday....

1. I had my Open House last night and I have to say I thought it was a success! I had 13 families out of 18 attend and it was pretty packed in my first grade room. I think the parents walked away with important information and more knowledgable on how they can help their kids at home.

I want to share with you some of the things I used to make my Open House run smooth and look nice. I'm a visual person so I took pictures. 

Apples for the parents.
This poem is from Erica Bohrer: It is (free) from her TpT page:
She got the poem from a teacher magazine years ago and typed it into a leaf shape.

I had three papers on their child's desk. One was an AR(Accelerated Reader) information sheet explaining what AR is and how their child participates in the reading program. The second sheet was to be a mystery reader in our class. I got my mystery reader packet from Clutter Free Classroom-check them out! I also had a print out on "what good readers do?" and "how to help my reader at home?" double sided. The parents really seemed to like the last print out because it had guiding questions for when their child is reading at home. I can't find that print out on my computer but I'll keep looking.

Cute backpacks we made from Abby's Fun with Firsties packet! The parents thought these were so cute! I like the little mini little friend cute off some of her backpack but its unique!

For some reason my power point from Open House won't load so I can't share that with you. Sorry :(

2. My progress reports are DONE! :)

3. Some new areas in my room:

Writing wall inspired by Pinterest.

Vocabulary wall...I need to make some new reading ones! Once things slow down I'll make some really cute ones. (If things actually slow down....)

 My "FACE" of a reader board. We're learning new strategies everyday!

Our reader's choice student is in the middle because she said "maybe" no definite yes or no. Girls can be so indecisive! (lol) 

Daily 5 (literacy centers) board complete with pictures!

Hope you enjoy and are loving your Wednesday!


  1. Looks awesome:) I love the pics with the Daily 5 groups. Might have to be trying that one:))

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. It is (free) from my TpT page:
    I got the poem from a teacher magazine years ago and typed it into a leaf shape.

  3. Thanks Tara-it's work well for student's when they are making their choices.

    Erica thank you for letting me know. I just reposted to give you credit! Thanks for the great poem! :)

  4. Thank you for giving me credit! I really have to go through and update my older files to include a credits page or my copyright. My "To Do List" just never seems to end. Glad you could use it for Meet the Teacher night.

  5. Using your apple poem leaves tomorrow at our Open House! I love them! THANK YOU!
