Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dress Up

Who doesn't love a good dress up party?! Reagan over at Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits wants to find out what you are dressing up as for Halloween at your school. This year I'm not sure what I will be but hopefully I can find some helpful ideas through this linky party.

My first year of teaching I was a cowgirl and my sweet Kinders dressed up and we had a fun parade around the school. We did all sorts of fun Halloween games and had special spooky snacks.

Then I moved to a stricter district where you aren't allowed to dress up for Halloween so they do a character day which is usually the day before actual Halloween. The past few years I haven't had to worry about Halloween at school because it was a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. We always get that Friday on the last week of October off for a teacher workday because of report cards. So if you're done with report cards you are good to leave and enjoy your day. Anyways back to costumes. My second year I dressed up on character day as Junie B. Jones which was a huge hit in first grade. We paraded around the school in our costumes with our books. Then we had a pumpkin day where we had all sorts of educational fun with pumpkins and even carved one!

My third year was much the same except I dressed up as The Little Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. I thought this was great but some people didn't know what I was without looking at my book. I looked like a little old lady, had a cane, floppy hat, glasses, and on my stomach were all the things the little old lady swallowed. I searched and searched but I can't find a picture of it anywhere.

This year we have a character parade on the Wednesday before Halloween and we're doing fun fall centers after the parade. I'm not sure why they didn't just schedule it on Halloween but hey no one asked for my advice. On Halloween we are just supposed to pretend like it's not a big deal and go about our regular business (insert tons of laughing here) because that is just not really possible with elementary school kids. The students are not allowed to wear their costumes this day either. Here's a big kicker too...are principal is doing informal observations this week. Really?! Not a great idea! But again no one asked for my opinion. I'll still be having pumpkin fun and making everything educational.

So now that you've read my ramblings about dressing up for Halloween I think you should join up!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for linking up!! I love your ideas. :) and that you came and partied with me!!!
