Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions:


1. Continue working out and try new challenges at the gym. I'm going to tone up my arms and get some abs.

2. I want to try to eat less Sun Chips, chocolate, and sweets! 

3. Make more money!!!!!! haha really though I need a new car and computer in the next year.
So I definitely need to put more time, thought, and effort into creating for TPT! 

4. Continue blogging about my class and reading!


1. To maintain my organization from the beginning of the year.

2. Make my enrichment time more purposeful for my students. 

3. To use the same kind of principles I use in guided reading to use in guided math. (Review, lesson, guided problems, work, and check/discuss.)  Now I usually feel rushed and just check over their mini quizzes and work to help solve missed problems. 

What are your resolutions?!?


  1. I'm right there with ya! I need to take more advantage of TpT & TN to make money! I hear some teachers seriously bank on there! Wish I knew their secret...

    Thanks for linking up!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. It is still ok to have sweets some of the time! I wish I had more money too! I haven't started a TpT, but I am thinking I need to get on that.
