Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

1. I'm loving the new book I'm reading: The Outlander that was recommended by this fabulous new blog that is just full of book reviews.

2. I'm loving the hot chocolate that I'm about to have while reading my book. FYI-If you read my post last night the gym won first but I still had victory with hot chocolate afterwards. My nagging bf said we could not possibly miss the gym because it was cold outside because it isn't cold inside the gym. So we went and I grudgingly did my thing because I knew I'd have hot chocolate waiting for me.

3. Being back at school and getting back into the routine of everything! My students have been so wonderful and we've been getting so much done. They have loved doing snowy themed centers and are going crazy for patterns in math right now. Everything feels back in place at school which is great! 

4. That this cold weather is not going to last!! It was 30 this morning and that is just too darn cold. I live in Florida for a reason-I do not like the cold!  Sunny and 60 by tomorrow though! That's more like it!

5. That I'm only 1 follower away from having 300 followers! Amazing! I can't believe that many people want to read my ramblings about teaching. Thanks followers! 

What I'm worried about.....
Oops I don't think this is supposed to be in here but oh well! 

1. Destination College!!? I can not figure this professional development out! I have taken many online courses and for some reason I'm never able to upload or write discussions that save. Anyone use this at their school? I would be very grateful if you could give some advice. I've had no training at all in how to use this.

2. My observation in March. Yes, March....I know why dwell on things months away. I had to sign up today and by sign up really I had to see when my principal was avaiable. So my observation is on a Friday. We have a pre observation where we meet and I have to go over my lesson in detail as well as bring this 2 page pre observation form. Then I have my actually formal observation on Friday and I'm doing a 30 minute whole group lesson in reading. (Any spectacular ideas?! I actually have to follow my lesson plans/curriculum so it can't deviate that much from what the learning goal and reading strategy of the week is. I'll look up what it is and get a pool of ideas going.) After the observation I have a post observation the follow Monday...I'll have all weekend to stew over every little detail. At the post observation I have to bring my entire lesson plan book, data notebook, professional development plan, and 2 page post observation form. Whew I get tried just thinking about it! I'll have to be super organized and prepared for this! Is anyone else out there using this same iobservation format with Marzano? If so I'd love to hear your feedback! 


  1. And now you are at 300 :)

    I look forward to reading your blog!
    Teaching in Room 6

  2. The outlander is on my reading list too! Off to make myself hot coco & read :)

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  3. Thanks so much for following Stephanie!

  4. I need to put that book on my list!

    I cannot believe how consuming your observation is! Mine was not nearly what I expected. All I had to do was send in my lesson plan for that lesson 2 days before hand and then the AP came and observed me for about 30 minutes. He then managed to forget about the evaluation and I got it about 6 weeks later. Once you know the strategy, I would love to help you brainstorm!

    Miss Klohn
    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

  5. It is going to be 60 tomorrow here too in NEBRASKA! Was about 40-50ish today. It is the weirdest winter ever, I enjoy not freezing my butt off at recess or dismissal and highly enjoyed it over break...but...I'm ready for a S-N-O-W Day!

  6. aaaargh!!! I just wrote you a huge long comment and lost it! What I wanted to say was congrats on the new followers (well-deserved) and best of luck with your observation prep. I worry about those things for a long time before they happen, but it always goes ok in the end. You will do wonderfully, as evident by everything going on in your classroom (that we get to see on your blog!)

  7. I nominated you for a blog award!

    Come by and check it out!
    Buzzing with Ms. B

  8. I wish I knew when I was going to be observed! We just get surprise pop in visits!
