Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cloud 9 {Personal Story}

 I kinda rushed my giveaway on Saturday and did it a wee bit earlier then intended. This was due to the fact that the boy said "hey can you stop blogging and pack an overnight bag we're leaving for a trip!" I was extremely excited, anxious, and overwhelmed! Surprises get me that way!  I mean he caught me off guard in the middle of my lazy blogging I had to quickly post my giveaway. Anyways I'm sure my absence has only made your heart grow fonder!

We leave on our trip and go to Jupiter where all his family leaves. Upon arrival he wants to check out the beach and take a walk at a nice resort. So I go along and then stop on the dock because I told him it was too windy and I didn't want to go! Then he tells me we are not staying with his family but we are staying at this beach resort!! We lounge by the pool with fruity drinks in hand enjoying this mini vacation on a beautiful Florida "winter" day. After a few cocktails we took a nap and woke up to a beautiful beach sunset. The boy said that we should get dressed quickly and take a walk on the beach before going to our favorite restaurant Food Shack. I did not quickly get dressed (I mean come on we're going out on a date...I wanna look good!) and mean while the sun goes down. He still insists on a walk on the beach so we take a walk on the beach at dusk (pretty much dark). As we were walking we stop to look at the waves and talk about life together. All of a sudden while I'm hugging him I feel the ring box-it was quite large like a watch box almost! As soon as I thought is this the moment? He takes my hands turns to get down on one knee and said "What would make me the happiness man is if you would marry me. Jessica would you marry me?" Swoon, elation, tears of joy, and an excited "Of course!" and we were engaged on the beach!

We called family and friends to share in our joy and excitement that night. We had a wonderful conversation, bottle of wine, and dinner. We got to visit his mom that night and she was screaming with delight. The next day we visited his father and his grandmother who was taken completely by surprise from our visit and engagement.

It was the best weekend!

We both went back to work on Monday but it was fun letting my team, principals, and other staff members know throughout the week about our engagement. Everyone has been so sweet and supportive!

It's been one week and I'm still not off cloud 9 and get a giant smile ever time I look at my ring or think of my fiancé.

I'll be back to regularly teaching blog stuff tomorrow but couldn't help to share my joy with you!

The beautiful ring! He designed everything himself and put so much thought and care into making it.
One of our friends thinks I should be a hand model...the boy disagrees and says I move too much but this is the best professional picture he took take. :)


  1. Congrats Jess!!!! I am so excited for you!!

  2. Omg congratulations!!! That is such a sweet story. And your ring is absolutely beautiful!!

  3. Congratulations! That is so exciting and your ring is gorgeous!!!!
    Rowdy in First Grade

  4. Oh I am sooooo happy for you!!!!! What a romantic and awesome engagement!!! The ring.....oh my goodness.....WOWZA!!! BEAUTIFUL and the fact he helped in the special!!! Enjoy and congrats!!!!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  5. Wow! :-) What an awesome engagement story :-) Congratulations! Your ring is stunning :-)

    Lisa :-)

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you Jess!! Your ring is absolutely stunning!

  7. Congratulations! What a wonderful surprise. I love your ring!!


  8. Congratulations!!! Enjoy every moment! It goes so fast!


  9. Congratulations! Your ring is beautiful. I got engaged over Christmas. It's the best!

  10. Congratulations! I know you must be so excited!

    Living A Wonderful Life

  11. Omg, Congratulations!!! I love engagement stories PLUS we are ring twins!!!! Get ready for wedding planning to take over your life. Congrats again!

  12. Awwwww....goin' to the chapel and we're...gonna get marrrrrried! :)

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  13. Congratulations!!! How exciting!! :) What a great story!!

  14. Congrats Jess!!! So excited for you!! The ring is incredible! Looks absolutely perfect on your hand! Beautiful ring for a beautiful girl! Best wishes!!! :)

  15. Congratulations Jess!! What a wonderful surprise and a sweet story!! Your ring is beautiful!!

    The First Grade Dream

  16. Jess, what a great surprise. I'm very happy for the both of you!!

  17. Congratulations!!! It's gorgeous!

  18. Congratulations! It's really pretty!

  19. He is so thoughtful! I love that story!! Congratulations, this will be a very exciting time for the two of you. Enjoy!

  20. Aw so sweet!!! Congrats!! The picture really is professional, I wasn't sure if it was really your hand or not!!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Congratulations! Your ring is beautiful!! :)

  23. Wow! Great story and a beautiful ring! Congrats!!!


  24. What wonderful story. Congratulation.


  25. ongosh!!!!! yay!!!! and on the beach, how PERFECT!!!!!! and it's soooo beautiful!!!

  26. SO EXCITING!! I love these kinds of stories! I knew that's where this was going when I started reading! (And no, I didn't even peak ahead!) I also have to say THANK YOU for posting a picture of your ring! I die to see the ring whenever people announce an engagement! hahah, is that weird?! Your ring is gorgeous and you have a great engagement story! :) Congrats!!

    Creating & Teaching

  27. Congratulations! The ring is beautiful and I loved your story.

    Thinking Out Loud

  28. Wow! Just found this...congratulations! God bless you both with a long and happy life together! :)


    Stapler’s Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!
