Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine's Day {Pinterest}

Valentine's Day is less than a week away! I know you probably have a ton of cute ideas planned already but just incase you're like me and still making/creating things this weekend check out some of my Pinterest inspired Valentine's Day things.

free printable valentines

Free printable Valentines 


cereal box valentine holder
Cereal box valentine holder
I've seen these made my kids at my school and they turn out great!

cute idea for valentines day
So precious I have to do this! Use red paint for the hands and stamps for the be mine in the middle. You can have your students put a sticker heart or draw a heart. This is the best card their parents could get and will probably keep for years to come!

Marble art

now to find the heart pan...this would be so cute for valentines day!
I will be making/baking these crayon hearts this weekend...I'll let you know how it turns out.

Friendship Bracelet Valentines. Could do a variation as a teacher gift.
Dollar store friendship bracelets for your class. I'm pretty sure they would wear these for the rest of the year. :) I got to check my dollar store for these! 

Pixie Stix Valentine

Who doesn't love pixie stixs or glow sticks? What a cute way to give your kids a valentine!

the teacher wife: you make my ♥ GLOW! {v-day freebie}

You make my heart glowsticks for V-day

I'll leave you with a cute printable to spruce up your classroom door or home. 

Happy Valentine's Day! 

hey girl... cracking me up!  check it out if you're a teacher!!!


  1. Jess! I love these--especially the friendship bracelets kids would love those too. THANKS!

  2. Totally using the idea from the teachers wife. I got the glow sticks at target in the dollar section!! How does it feel to be engaged??

    1. All the Valentine's Day gifts are so cute...I haven't decided on which one to use yet! It feels so wonderful to engaged is still surprises me and takes my breath away each day! :D

  3. I love the HEY GIRL!!! SOOO TRUE sometimes!!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

    1. Yes, they keep some much needed humor in education!

  4. That Hey Girl is my favorite! Haha!!

    And I love the friendship bracelets! I think my boys won't think they are too girly. :) Thanks for sharing!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

    1. Hey Girl is hilarious! I think the boys will love the friendship bracelets! I mean Justin Bieber wears bracelets right?!

  5. That hey, girl, is one of my favorites. Why? Because I NEVER remember to turn in attendance on time.

    Buzzing with Ms. B

    1. I think this is my favorite for the same reason lol. Today I totally forgot attendance and lunch count until ummm 10:30. It's supposed to be turned in at 9:00 whoops! I also love the one about laminating.

  6. How did your heart crayons turn out? I had my kids save broken crayons before Christmas break thinking I'd make them out of trees before we went on break. Whelp, that never happened. Then I thought I'd do them over break, yep, forgot them at school. Yesterday, one of the kiddos asked me when I was going to make something out of the crayons as he was putting in another broken one. And I said, "hopefully this weekend." Yep, I forgot them again!

    The Bubbly Blonde

  7. So I will confess I left the crayons at school and will be attempting them tomorrow night! Whoops! I will let you know how they go then! I'm ready for Valentine's Day though with my kids-I have pencils, glow sticks, and heart stickers for goodie bags!
