Monday, March 5, 2012

Lovely Blog Award

Somehow I still have followers even though I've been super bad about posting lately. Thank you for or all still following! I feel like I haven't had a moment to breathe in the past couple of weeks. It was my man's birthday, picture day, we had a Teddy Bear Clinic, and a huge carnival at school. This week I start tutoring two days a week, we have a school play, and I need to prepare for my formal observation which is the following week. I'm sure everyone is just as busy but with all my personal life things too I just haven't found the time to blog! 

Now that I am back to blogging. I'm super excited  to have been nominated for the lovely blog award by Jessica from Apples and Papers. Thanks Jessica! You should follower her super cute blog! 

The rules of this blog award: 
1. Link back to the blogger who gave it to you. (check) 
2. Pass this award on to 10 other lovely bloggers! (working on it!) 
3. Follow the person who sent it to you. (check) 

Bloggers with lovely blogs:


  1. Aww...thank you, Jess! You are such a sweetheart!
    You made my night!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

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