Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nightmare on School Street

Between trying to close on our house, my observation looming on Friday, a reading night at school on Thursday, the book fair this week, field day next week, a baby shower today, report cards, and spring break around the corner my mind has been going CRAZY! Now this week it has been crossing over to my dreams. I had a crazy dream that I actually moved into school. I had a loft above my classroom where I lived so I could always be working. (You know Kindergarten kids actually do believe you live there? Hehe) Then I had a dream my kids were standing on their chairs and desks when my principal came into for my observation. Last night I had a dream that my principal, reading coach, and two assistant principals all came in for my observation and I played a magic school bus video. My principal final turned it off going "I've had a enough of this. When are you going to get started with your actual lesson?" To which I was scrambling around on my computer looking for a powerpoint presentation while my kids were going nuts! Then I woke up heart beating and wanting to cry from disappointment- thanks goodness it was only a dream!

I can't wait for this Friday and formal observation to just get here so I can be done! I feel like this will take away a lot of the stress I've obviously been harboring! I guess I'm bottling it up and not letting it out enough either because I keep having these crazy dreams. Any suggestions on how to de-stress your body? I already do yoga 3 times a week and work out the other 4. I talk with my friends, co-workers, and my significant other about my day to de-stress. I'll have a glass of wine, write a million to do lists, and even got a massage last week. I mean how much more could I try to relax! Does anyone else ever feel like they have a million and one things on their plate?

P.S. Sorry for being so whining lately...I have so many things I want to share I'm just waiting to actually have time to upload pictures and documents.


  1. We all feel that way sometimes...hope things get easier and that your observation goes well! =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. It never ends! Sometimes you just have one of those days. I'm on break but yesterday I had a total meltdown. Today is a little better. Online retail therapy is helping! Hang in there!
    Rowdy in First Grade

    1. Great advice-I love online shopping! I love coming home to presents at my door. Thanks for your support!

  3. Wow you have some cool dreams! I hate evaluations too. Hope all goes well!

    1. Yeah I have the wackiest dreams...I could probably write a book from them because they are so vivid. Thanks for your kind thoughts! I'm trying to hang in there!

  4. oh you poor thing! I hate those kind of dreams! I hope Friday comes up quick for you so the observation will be over. You will do wonderfully, I know. I hardly ever follow my own advice and it's easier to say this when it's not you, but everything I ever worry about always works out fine in the end. I know this will be the case with your observation. Good luck Jess, I'm sending positive thoughts your way!!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words! I will try to follow your advice and be zen about this observation. I tend to over think and stress about observations/evaluations.Most likely because I'll always be on annual contract now and I know my job is never really secure. I just can't wait for it all to be OVER so I can find out if I'm teaching at the same school next year!
