Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Break!

Yeahhh! My Spring Break starts tonight! I don't have to go to school tomorrow because it is a teacher work day and I got all of report cards finished today! I'm super excited about my Spring Break because I'm relaxing with my girlfriends this weekend at the beach for one my good friends bachlorette parties, then chilling at home for a few days catching up on laundry, blogging, and bad TV, and then the later half of the week I'm going to see my family in Delaware for my cousin's wedding!

My students were so cute today. They were very sad about Spring Break did not want to go. I had kids telling me that 10 days was too many days not to go to school and be away from me and their friends. I told them to enjoy the time. I also gave them some homework over the break and guess what? They were excited...totally pumped and thrilled. I was shocked...are my kiddos going crazy?

We read Flat Stanley today and then my kids made their own Flat Stanley to take home with them over break with a journal to write down their adventures with their Flat Stanley. While they were decorating their Flat Stanley's my kids were talking about how excited they were to write down their adventures and all the fun things they would do with him over break. I had students ask if they had enough paper in their journals for each day. I told them they did but if they wanted to write more they could add paper. Some of my students exclaimed after learning about this home project that I was the best first grade teacher ever! (I won't let them know all the first grade teachers are doing this project lol.) 

Anyways it was a great ending to a beautiful beginning of Spring Break! I hope to be posting some cute new games early next week! 


  1. We do Flat Stanley right before Spring Break, too! My second graders love it because we let them mail their Flat "Them" to most anyone. We've gotten a couple back from the White House, and one from the Atlanta Braves! Enjoy your Spring Break! My countdown is at 2 weeks :(

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

    1. That is so cool! My kids are just traveling around with their Flat Stanley's and not sending them anywhere. I think that sending them away is awesome especially to track the different places but I feel like that is better for grades 2 and up. Thanks for reading!

  2. Have fun on vacation!! Sounds like you have a busy fun week planned!! I am on break this week and got nothing accomplished, but it's vacation right?

    1. Sounds like a perfect vacation-doing nothing! Thanks for reading!

  3. Happy Spring Break! To make it even better, you were the winner of my Satin Hands giveaway! WOOHOO! Please email me at with your home address and I will get it out on Monday. Happy Spring Break!


    1. Oooh! I'm so excited I'll hop on over to your blog now!

  4. FAMILY IN DELAWARE?!?! I LIVE in Delaware!!!!

    Creating & Teaching

    1. Yes, most of my family lives in the north Wilmington area. It was so much fun to go to my cousins wedding but it was super cold last weekend!

  5. Happy spring break!! Your class sounds like mine, they love school too! I hope you have a lovely break :)
