Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I'm so proud to be a part of such a great school and to announce that my school got an "A" grade this year! School grades are super important in the state of Florida. I feel blessed to be in my school and it really does deserve the recognition of getting an "A" again this year.

Thank you to all the teachers who made this happen and countless hours spending time crafting your teaching, continuing to learn, being innovative, and being there for your students when it counted the most! Thank you to our wonderful staff who supports the school and cares about all of our teachers, students, and parents. Thank you to our awesome admin team that brings out the best in teachers and students while leading us in the right direction. Thank you to all the parents who spend time reading with their children each night, doing homework, and making sure their kids are well-rounded. Thank you to the students who listened, learned, and showed us all how smart they are!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I just had to brag on my school a little bit because I feel like this is such an accomplishment this year! Thank you bloggers who have inspired me to be more creative, teach in new and interesting ways, and always have a love for my passion teaching!

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