Friday, August 16, 2013

Five for Friday {Back to School}


Pre-planning is down and now I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for Monday the first day of school! 

1. My Meet the Teacher was this Thursday. I had 17 out of 18 students show up. I have some seriously cute little ones this year and I'm very excited to get started.
One mom is a whack job and is seriously certifiable nutty and she was the only one who signed up to be a room mom. It's okay though PTA found me someone from my class who will be the room mom. Thanks PTA!

Look at all the notebooks that need to be labeled!
I have a lot of supplies that need to be put away!

2. Check out these adorable bags I made for my kiddos. The bags had a pencil, eraser, smarties, gold coin, poem, mint, and bookmark. Our team also got the students cookies. Mine were green apple cookies to match my room. The kids loved them!

3. I added some new decor for the grand reveal of my room on Thursday. My beautiful new writing table. It has a chalkboard top.

I also have new pillows for my reading area which match my owl.

4. Many of my former students came to see me and one brought me these beautiful flowers. She congratulated me on getting married over the summer! She is so sweet and thoughtful!

5. I'm set up for the first day of school! Hope everything goes smooth!

Copies are made! I'm ready for team building, class building, and plenty of brain breaks!

Monday, August 19, 2013 1st day of school! 


  1. Oh my goodness your classroom is so super cute!!! I've just found your blog through the linky and started following along... I have a feeling your posts will inspire me to make my room prettier haha!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

  2. I love your room!!! It looks super cute! Good luck with the kiddos on Monday! I'm sure it'll go smoothly :) Also, the chalkboard tabletop is a great idea. Did you do it yourself?


    1. Thank you! I actually had a friend paint it for me because my time last week was limited. But he should me how and it is super easy to do. On sanded wood you only need one to two coats of paint. It looks great too! I can't wait to write on it!

  3. Wow your room is amazing... I wish I was starting new again now!! We are 2/3rds the way through the year here in New Zealand!!
    The E-Z Class Follow on Bloglovin
