Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Open House

I just had my Open House this Monday! Here is what I did to prepare for Open House.

I sent out several reminders by putting it in the weekly plan (sent home each Friday) and e-mails.
I copied lots of important handouts for the parents to help their child succeed in school focusing on reading and math. I gave the parents a bookmark to encourage chapter book read alouds together at home and some popcorn for popping in our room.

The kids made these adorable pennants for their parents with their goals for the year.

I made a powerpoint which you can download here in a PDF. I presented this to my parents so they could know all about our class. After the presentation I e-mailed this to the parents.

I made these magnets for the parents to hold their kids work up on the refrigerator.

It was a successful Open House! I didn't have the best attendance only 10 out of 18 parents came. But all the parents got most of the information from the e-mail and paperwork. I know it is going to be a great year!

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