Sunday, January 4, 2015

Goodbye Winter Break & Tips for Tomorrow

Tonight is the last night of winter break. I’m going to have a rude awakening tomorrow at 5:30 a.m. I didn’t get out of bed until 10:00 a.m. this morning!

All good things must come to an end and I am feeling ready for the second half of the school year. Thankfully before I left for break, I organized all my literacy and math centers. I think I’m ready for tomorrow but I’ll still be going in early to make sure.

Tips for tomorrow:
1. Give my kids HUGE hugs! I know we’ll be happy to see each other. I want them to feel loved.

2. Let my kids talk about their winter break. I know they’ll be super chatty so I should give them the opportunity to talk to each other in a structured way. I’ll do a team building activity with their tables.

3. Go over the rules! I know my kids will need a refresher on all the rules. I will go over the rules and play a class building game so they can talk about the rules with each other. Yeah for movement and talking. they are going to need that tomorrow.

4. Remember everything does NOT need to get done in one day! Often times the first day back from break I want to squeeze in so many activities. It is okay if it doesn’t all get done. Tomorrow is another day. This also goes for my work after school. It will still be there the next day.

5. Smile and take a deep breath. I’m back at work but that doesn’t mean I need to be stressed out. I enjoy teaching, my team mates, and love my kids. Data, observations, evaluations, testing, and negative co-workers DO NOT need to get me down. I make my own happiness. I will focus on the positives. 


  1. Thanks for the timely advice which is a good reminder for veterans and newbies alike! Best wishes for a stellar day tomorrow. :)

  2. Great advice! Luckily we get to ease back into things a bit with a teacher prep day!

    Not Just Child's Play

    1. Oh wow that is a great idea to have a prep day! I would love that! It would be super productive!
